
Photography Classes

We believe that if you give a child the Gift of Photography you are giving a child a key that can open new doors to... Creative Expression, New Perspectives, Confidence, Artistic Achievement, & FUN!

Photography encourages closer looks and whole new ways of looking at things.

Photography helps with decision making skills. Before taking a picture, we ask questions like...What's the main subject here? What part should I focus on? What angle do I want? What do I want this photo to tell others about how I see this subject?

Photography is both art and science. As an art, photography is a marvelous tool of creative, self-expression. And as photojournalists know, a photograph can open a person's mind or even change it. Photography communicates. But it also is a wonderful technical tool, teaching lessons in science (light, math, etc.) and computer skills.

Photography builds confidence. Besides the confidence gained from mastering a new skill and creative expression, learning to take good pictures can also do wonders for children who are shy because photography is one of those skills that makes it easier to take part in activities that otherwise might leave a shy child hiding in the background.

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